


令和3年度 近畿大学卒業式スピーチ【全文・英語訳付き】

以下のスピーチは「Kindai Picks/【近畿大学卒業式】元内閣総理大臣 安倍晋三氏によるスピーチ全文」より引用しています。※英語訳はYouTube ”Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe Commencement Address | Kindai University Commencement 2021(KINDAI UNIVERSITY)”を参照

Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce myself. My name is Abe Shinzo. All the students who graduating from the university today, congratulations! Please be seated. Excuse me.

Parents and families who are viewing this ceremony online, and all related parties, congratulations to you all! I believe that up till today you have been doing various chores for the graduating students. Taking them to and from kindergarten or the daycare center, making their lunches, praising them at times and scolding them at other times…You may have had difficult times battling with them.

All your efforts are rewarded today, on this day of their graduation ceremony. Your children are leaving the campus to serve our society as working members. Once again, I’d like to express my hearty congratulations.


By the way, I believe you have just heard my humble piano performance. You may have thought I was performing a party trick. Well, it is a kind of party trick. In fact, it was longer, but it was cut much shorter.

昨年、東日本大震災から10年。慰霊の思いを込めたコンサートが10月に開催されました。この 『花は咲く』 という曲は家族を失い、悲しみに暮れる人たちを励まそうと歌い継がれてきた曲でもあります。
Last year marked the 10th anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami. There was a memorial concert in October. This piece of music, titled “Flowers will bloom,” has been sung to encourage people who have lost family members in the disaster. Many people have sung this song repeatedly.

A friend of mine, who was a victim of the disaster, thought that at the memorial concert, this piece should be played by an amateur pianist. So thinking, he asked me to play the piano. It is my motto that I don’t decline requests for help. Since this is my principle, I accepted his offer.